Featured Listings

This website has been designed with the "by Owner" in mind.  So, for all you Do-It-Yourselfers out there, this site is for you!  It displays "For Sale by Owner" real estate listings in Sheboygan, Manitowoc and Calumet Counties, Wisconsin.

We provide cost-effective powerful Internet exposure and 24 hour convenience for sellers and buyers.  You, the seller, determine when and if you want to host an open house, adjust your price, update photos or change your write up.  No second party involvement and no waiting for changes to take effect!  Just log into your personal site page, make the changes and save.  It's live immediately and it's that easy!

A buyer may browse listings by
Area, an Interactive Map and upcoming Open Houses.

Sellers, who knows your property better than you!  You will save thousands by selling it on your own. To learn more, please read About Us and Sell Your House